Saturday, June 28, 2008

Costal management zone notification

The newly proposed Coastal Management Zone Notification (CMZ), 2008 spells doom for the already spotty environmental conservation, pushing out the traditional fishing communities. This is proposed to replace the current Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ), 1991, which governs the coastal areas. CRZ (1991) has been amended many times, making it easier to take up environmentally damaging activities near the coast. The new notification continues this regressive trend, and does not even provide the protection given earlier. It also pushes out the traditional fishing communities away from the coast, but beings the "development" projects which need not be situated near the coast. The proposed CMZ has very little to show that its aim is conservation and has very little scientific bias. Though it defines a large number of areas as ecologically sensitive, it allows all developmental activities by merely mentioning it in a plan. There are no guidelines as to what kind of projects can be approved in the coastal areas. Thus, it also allows a larger number of stakeholders into the coast, at the same time, pusing out the traditional fisherfolk from the coast. This law has been drafted with very little community participation, and does not involve community in conservation measures. According to the Environment Protection Rules, since we need to formally record our complaints with the MoEF, we have drafted a petition to the MoEF with a note outlining the problems with this notification. Please go through the petition for detailed objections, and sign it.

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